AEdelivered-enrolled employees

AE delivered is our aspirin for the headache of automatic enrolment. Designed around the needs of smaller employers and tailored to complement rather than replace, any auto-enrolment services that you already provide or plan to provide, it removes the problem from both your desk and your clients' desks, and delivers a fully guided and project-managed solution in its place, built around six simple steps.


You and your clients may have been told complying with auto-enrolment is very time-consuming, difficult and expensive. It can be, but not the way we help you to help your clients.


We are different.


Auto-enrolment is a process - it has a number of stages and things that must be done, but it is still simply a process. Get the process right and you will get auto-enrolment right for your clients.


AE delivered - your clients' journey to compliance

Step 1: Getting you ready for auto-enrolmentClick to read more


Step 2: The auto-enrolment journey - a guide for each clientClick to read more


Step 3: Designing and selecting the workplace pension schemeClick to read more


Step 4: Assessing employees and engaging themClick to read more


Step 5: Dealing with the Pensions RegulatorClick to read more


Step 6: Keeping clients compliant beyond their staging / compliance dateClick to read more


We will take your clients on this journey quickly, efficiently and in plain English, without using jargon. We can deliver a fully compliant solution within a couple of weeks, rather than months if we need to. And, we do all this for a simple, low per client fixed fee - with the opportunity for you to share in this. Complying with AE can be simpler and cheaper than you think.


Auto-enrolment needn't be complicated, time-consuming or expensive. Welcome to simplicity.